Thursday, November 26, 2009

Close up for a strong effect

There is a very simple technique for achieving a very powerful section in a film. The use of the the Close up or Extreme Close up. By cutting together or layering CS shots you can imply meaning about characters, set up mood or lay the groundwork information needed for whats coming next and you don't need huge light and camera set ups to do it.

Take a look at a few examples I have found below.

To get this effect you usually can just use the lens of your camera however there are sets of close up lens you can buy which will add even more magnification on the front of your camera. These lenses are super cheap and act like a magnifying glass in front of the camera. For my last film I used the +4x and +10x on almost every day of shooting.

Depending on what camera you are using you will be able to find these lens on ebay, amazon, or a video store like I bought my set for 30$.

Also another trick with these lens is using them for wide shots. Throw the +4x on front of your camera and frame a subject close to you to create a really bizarre effect. It throws the background out of focus and bends the edges slightly while leaving your subject clear and clean. This is a trick to get the filmmic effect without using a telephoto lens.

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